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Four Partners participate in the Cordialis Erasmus+ Project :
French, Lithuanian, Finnish , Italian

Who are we ?

  2. DADAU – DE L’ART ET D’AUTRE (Small and medium sized enterprise) – France – Paris
  4. UTU – TURUN YLIOPISTO (Higher education institution) – Finland – Turku
  6. LCTA – LITHUANIAN COUNTRYSIDE TOURISM ASSOCIATION. (Non-governmental association) Lithuania – Kaunas
  8. WPT – WEB PER TUTTI (Associazione di Promozione Sociale) – Italia – Sulmona 

De L’art et D’autre

DADAU – De L’Art et D’Autre

Small and medium sized enterprise – France – Paris

Contact person: delartetdautre@gmail.com

De l’art et d’autre is a small company that provides services in the field of cultural education and body interaction.

In order to foster social skills, De l’art et d’autre has developed methodologies and manuals combining museum pedagogy, art history, conversation analysis, intercultural studies and body interaction.

De l’art et d’autre also offers workshops and trainings to a wide range of audiences: from art lovers, to education professionals, to professional teams, to the social sector.

De l’art et d’autre has a multidisciplinary team of experts from the fields of art history, linguistics, didactics and intercultural approaches.

Website: www.delartetdautre.com

University of Turku

University of Turku (Finland)

Contact person: Maarit Mutta maarit.mutta@utu.fi

The University of Turku (UTU) was founded in 1920, but its roots date back to 1640, when the Royal Academy of Turku was established under Swedish rule. Today, UTU is one of the leading research universities in Finland offering research together with 3 500 researchers, teachers and professor, and study opportunities in seven different faculties for over 20 000 students.

UTU’s cross-cutting research is based on strong academic competence and most of its research groups are international and multidisciplinary.

UTU has been rewarded with the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. 

The main goal of UTU in this project is to support hybrid informal and formal language learning, and help both teachers and students to use different digital tools in education.

UTU will bring expertise from its part regarding second/foreign language learning. The participating body from UTU is the School of Languages and Translation Studies, which is closely related to The Centre for Language Learning Research (Leala) that conducts multidisciplinary research focused on second/foreign language learning. 

Lithuanian Countryside
Tourism Association

Lithuanian countryside tourism association

Contact person: Kotryna Kabašinskaitė, info@atostogoskaime.lt, +37063557154

Lithuanian countryside tourism association (LCTA) is national level association uniting 60% of countryside tourism service providers in Lithuania, having more than 400 members. Main goals and activities of the association are to represent interests of the Association members at management institutions and other organizations, to coordinate the activities of the Association members developing rural tourism in Lithuania and to analyse the demand for rural tourism services within the country and abroad.

The main goal of LCTA in this project is to meet the needs of craftsmen and older people from remote areas. 

CORDIALIS is the great opportunity to strengthen the digital skills of artisans and the commercialization of their traditional crafts and knowledge in Lithuania. 

LCTA for its part will bring an expertise in the economic and patrimonial valorisation of local handicraft. 

 Website : www.countryside.lt

WEB per Tutti Association

Association for Social Promotion WEB PER TUTTI

Contact person: Anna Grazia Lucantoni, President and Legal Representative .

The Association is mainly concerned with reducing the digital cultural and generational gap, promoting the responsible use of the web, encouraging new attitudes towards the world of work, promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged people, fostering solidarity between generations. To achieve these objectives it organizes courses in art history, English, theater workshops, guided tours, theme conferences, book presentations, reading groups, etc… always favoring the use of digital tools even very advanced.

Thanks to her experience in European projects on the exchange of good practices in adult education, she will be able to organize online cultural activities on the artistic heritage, develop videos for the acquisition of cultural content and develop digital skills in intergenerational exchanges.

Website : www.webpertutti.eu

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/webpertutti  

email: webpertuttisulmona@gmail.com 

Local partners


Local partners are indicated on the language pages of each country

CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

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