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Resources 1

Diagnosis and Solutions for Virtual Exchange.
Distance Communication: Problems and Solutions.

Description and objectives

We propose a synthesis of the problems and solutions of distance learning and give tools to develop interactivity and motivation of the participants to help them in the development of self-management and self-assessment of the groups. We also created activities based on works of cultural heritage (especially piece of art and craftsman’s work). The teaching activities in this module allow teachers to enhance interactivity with and within the group of learners.

This module also focuses on participants’ competencies in distance learning and provides practical learning tools for group work in an egalitarian manner, for reflecting on life and life-long learning, and for managing one’s own learning via self-assessment in a blended learning context. The pedagogical activities proposed in this module allow learners to develop their peer learning competences, their motivation and learner autonomy.

 Target groups

Teachers/educators/Professionals dealing with distance learning/teaching

Tangible results

– a pedagogical manual containing the framework of distance learning and teaching related to interactivity, motivation and group management in a hybrid teaching situation (distance and face to face)

– a set of 36 pedagogical cards/walking stages presenting: specific questions and answers related to peer learning in distance education, practical guidelines for the distribution and negotiation of tasks and roles within a group, a prototype of activity/laboratory;

– 12 audio/video podcasts addressing specific problems/solutions.




CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.