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Resources 2

Art-based activities to promote local and rural cultural heritage

Description and objectives

The objective of this module is to create a non formal, art based pedagogical set of activities to be used in the framework of (language) learning, cultural education and mediation and professional communication, in order to enhance interactive online exchange, to  promote immaterial and material local/rural cultural heritage, and to foster social and networking skills.

These non-formal educational tools have a triple scope of  action:

a) they encourage and promote the creation of sustainable relational networks among participants /professional interlocutors,

b) they allow people living in places far from cultural and metropolitan centres to benefit from interactive cultural events,

c) they reinforce the construction and deployment of cultural identity through the enhancement of rural or regional heritage.

This module aims to cover the following interactive situations:

  • -meetings of groups of learners in the context of language learning/teaching
  • -virtual professional encounters with craftsmen and the various crafts of regional and/or rural culture
  • -cultural and interactive board game, aimed at a public of individuals, highlighting the local and/or rural heritage and gathering socially isolated people living in rural areas or far from cultural centres
  • -virtual cultural visits dedicated to local and/or rural heritage, offering complementary or addition information in relation to on-site visits of monuments, cultural institutions or artists’/artisans’ workshops

Target group

  • -All social actors, in particular the inhabitants of rural and remote areas

  • -Local cultural educators/mediators, cultural stakeholders on regional or local level, NGOs, cultural event organizers

  • -Craftsmen and representatives of regional/rural culture, administrators of local cultural heritage

  • -Language learners in group, language teachers

Tangible results

The resources produced in this module consist of:

  • -a manual that includes basic documentation and a series of activities relating to local cultural heritage, adaptable to different communication situations

  • -a collection of demonstration videos and tutorials that provide different training,
    dissemination, and cultural mediation contexts

  • -a proposal to build a playful, interactive activity that presents different alternatives to adapt to different types of groups of participants


Set of Activities

CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

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