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Resources 4

Online Tools and Trainings

Description and objectives

We built this module on the basis of previous modules and dedicate it to the promotion, adaptability and sustainability of the project products. This module’s tools are intended to empower professionals to use and adapt the project’s products and to provide a multimodal on-line support in the long run. These goals are reached in three way:

  • -through the construction of a website: to make all the project’s products accessible to a very wide and diverse public
  • -through a series of educational formulas: to train and support professionals in the use of the products (training, video-tutorials, feedback podcasts)
  • -through testimonials and adaptations suggested by users, and supervised by us, which can be accessed via links on the website.


Target groups

All the target groups involved in the previous modules, namely: language teachers and trainers, art and cultural educators, art professionals, artisans, or (language and peer) learners, etc.



Tangible results

  • A website accessible in English and in all project languages (French, Italian, Finnish, Lithuanian)
  • A series of 2-3 minute tutorial video on resources R1,R2,R3 (3 videos/partner) where the products are presented in a pedagogical way, so that users can use them by downloading our methods and manuals from the project website. A short compilation of these videos is available with English audio and subtitles (you can get subtitles automatically in any other language).
  • A series of 8 podcasts based on feedback from teachers and professionals who have tested our products. These podcasts aim to share good practices in remote cultural communication and are destinated to professionals, trainees and adult learners.
  • A training course for teachers, cultural professionals, mediators and social actors in the cultural field was carried out by each partner in order to enable the project’s target audience to become familiar with our methods and products developed throughout the project.






CORDIALIS Erasmus+ Project
cordialis.project @gmail.com

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